Modifications to the Murph WOD include the following:
- Do not wear the 20lb vest
- Replace regular pull ups with one of the following: (1) Band Assisted Pull-ups, (2)TRX straps for Pull-Ups or (3)Use a box for jumping pull-ups
- Need to pace yourself differently? Instead of doing all of the pullup, pushup and air squat sets straight through (100,200,300), you can separate these. Example: Do 10 Rounds of 10 Pull-ups, 20 Push-ups, and 30 air squats or 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 air squats.
- Can't run? Replace the one-mile run with rowing or biking
The team at Godspeed will help you implement these modifications so that all participants can challenge themselves appropriately. The most important thing is to get started.